Tamaca is pleased to offer customizable workshops on a variety of topics including but not limited to Speech & Language Development, Fine and Gross Motor Development, Behaviour Management, Conflict Resolution, and Mental Health First Aid.
Our workshops are held in person, on site at locations easily accessible for our clients or remotely at your convenience.
Please contact us for more information on any of the listed workshops or if you don’t see your desired workshop currently listed.

Hanen Programs® for Parents
It Takes Two to Talk®
The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Language Delays
It Takes Two to Talk is a program for parents of children (birth to 5) who have language delays. This program recognizes the importance of involving parents in their child’s early language intervention and the need to help children and families as early as possible in a child’s life. This evidence-based program, which was developed by The Hanen Centre, is well known around the world. Studies on the It Takes Two to Talk Program have shown that it is effective and that, when parents learn to use the program’s strategies, their children’s communication skills improve. It Takes Two to Talk is led by a Hanen Certified Speech-Language Pathologist.
* The Hanen Centre has developed a telepractice version of the It Takes Two to Talk Program, which means the entire program can also be offered online. The telepractice model allows you to attend the program from the comfort of your own home and interact with your child in an environment familiar to him.
More Than Words®
The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties
More Than Words is a program that provides parents of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or social communication difficulties with practical tools to help their children communicate. More Than Words is offered to parents around the world by Hanen Certified Speech-Language Pathologists.
If you have a young child with autism or social communication difficulties, you may be wondering what you can do to make communication easier for him. You want to help him connect with others and make friends. As a parent, you have a major role to play in helping your child develop improved social communication skills – and the More Than Words® Program shows you how.
* The Hanen Centre has developed a telepractice version of the More Than Words Program, which means the entire program is offered online. The telepractice model allows you to attend the program from the comfort of your own home and interact with your child in an environment familiar to him.
I’m Ready!™
The Hanen Program® for Building Early Literacy in the Home
I’m Ready shows parents how to use fun, practical tips and strategies to make early literacy-learning a natural and enjoyable part of the day. Studies have shown that children who start school with higher levels of early literacy skills have greater academic success. As the most important teachers in a young child’s life, parents play a critical role in promoting these skills before their child gets to school. Parents learn how to transform reading a book and other everyday activities into opportunities to help their child build the foundation skills that are related to later reading success. These skills include vocabulary knowledge, ability to understand stories and understanding how print works.
Who should attend? Parents of children 3-5 years of age who are interested in helping their child learn what he/she needs to know before beginning to learn to read and write.
Hanen Programs® for Early Childhood Educators/Teachers
Learning Language and Loving It™
The Hanen Program ® for Early Childhood Educators/ Teachers
Discover how to create the best possible learning opportunities in your classroom with the Learning Language and Loving It™ Program. During Learning Language and Loving It, you will learn practical strategies for helping all children in the classroom build language, emergent literacy and social skills, no matter what their learning and communication styles are, and even if they have special needs. The strategies can be easily woven into everyday classroom activities. Each strategy is designed to engage and maintain the interest of the child, making language and literacy-learning a fun and natural part of their day. The program will provide you with ample opportunity to practice each strategy with your students, and to receive feedback from the Program Leader to help you adapt the strategies, as needed.
Who should attend? Any early childhood educator, teacher, educational assistant, or home child care provider who works with young children (birth–5) in early childhood settings including child care, preschool, nursery, and kindergarten programs.
Teacher Talk™
A Hanen training series based on Learning Language and Loving It – The Hanen Program ® for Early Childhood Educators/Teachers
This is a very flexible series of one to three, one-day trainings (this can be customized to each site), designed to introduce early childhood educators to the Learning Language and Loving It TM approach.
Training A:
Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings
Play and daily routines provide opportunities to create enriched, interactive language-learning environments that include all children. This training will discuss how to foster language development through daily interactions.
*This training has been converted for online delivery!
Training B:
Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy
As caregivers of young children, you have a very important role to play in laying the foundation for the development of reading and writing skills. This training will discuss the important links between oral language development and literacy.
Training C:
Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings
Children with poor language and social skills may have difficulty initiating and maintaining interactions with their peers and may find themselves left out and socially isolated. This training will discuss how to provide a physical and social environment that encourages peer interaction.
ABC and Beyond™
The Hanen Program® for Building Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood Settings
The ABC and Beyond Program is designed to help educators of young children (three to five years of age) promote the emergent literacy skills that all children need to develop in order to learn to read and write successfully. By taking the latest research in early literacy development and translating it into practical, immediately usable strategies, ABC and Beyond makes it easy for educators to build literacy naturally into every part of the day.

Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid
Group Training for Mental Health First Aid
12 hrs
Prices Vary
This 12-hour training course teaches individuals how to identify the signs and provide initial help to anyone facing mental health problems or crises. Topics include defining mental health, symptoms of common mental health problems, a step-by-step model on providing mental health first aid, information about effective interventions and treatments, and how to access professional help in your area. Mental health problems covered include depression and other mood disorders, anxiety disorders, disorders associated with psychosis, and substance-related disorders. Courses are taught by certified MHFA Canada Instructors with extensive experience in mental health.

Communication & Conflict Resolution
& Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Workshops
2 hrs
Prices Vary
Our Qualified Mediator and Restorative Practices Facilitator works with youth to strengthen communication, conflict resolution skills, and assist in the development of skills leading to accountability, increased confidence, and effective and positive conflict management. The Restorative Practices for Classrooms (Groups) is an approach designed to encourage introspective thought, growth and life-long skill development. Through guided conversations and the development of tools, participants will be encouraged to share their stories. They will be empowered to brainstorm solutions, measure them for fairness, do-ability, challenges and success; and create an environment of responsibility and accountability. The class/group will work together to develop a collaborative agreement that will be displayed as a tool to remind participants of their hard work and new skills. In addition to the Restorative Practices for Classrooms program, supporting workshops for communication, conflict resolution, and growth skills; either as skill development or continuity of student skill development are also available to Teaching Staff/ School Administration/Parents and Caregivers/Parent Council/ Lunch Supervisors.

Nutritional Workshops
Cooking and Nutrition Workshops
*Please note all services will be delivered in accordance with current health and safety precautions for COVID-19. All group sessions will be modified for safety of presenter and attendees.*
“Lunch and Learn” or “Cook and Learn”
Learn about healthy eating by exploring a nutrition topic and developing hands-on skills in the kitchen. Beneficial for cooks and youth workers in daycares, Head Start and schools.
Diabetes Prevention for Youth- Nutrition and Physical Activity
(co-presented with Exercise Physiologist): Learn how diabetes can affect overall health; develop healthy eating and physical activity skills to prevent diabetes.
Heart Health- Nutrition and Physical Activity
(co-presented with Exercise Physiologist): learn about the relationship between our heart health and overall health; develop healthy eating and physical activity skills to keep our hearts healthy.
Overcoming Mealtime Struggles for Families
Picky eating can be a struggle with toddlers and children. This workshop teaches adults how to present new foods to children, skills to deal with picky eating, and how to create a welcoming mealtime environment for families.
Customized Cooking and Nutrition Classes
We will design a cooking/nutrition session to suit any group or need.